zondag 27 november 2011
Op Heden den 25 November en volgende dagen, zal de Heer PRICE, als ook Juffr. BULKLEY en de Heer WATSON, op het Drilveld,hunne grootsen wonderbaare EXERCITIEN op 1, 2 en 3 Paarden, op meer dan veertigderlei onderscheiden manieren verrichten, waarvan de meesten nooit door anderen in Europa zyn ondernomen; van een gebogchelde Snyder, verbeeldende te Paard te ryden.
Graaf Hentrord, om den Heer JOHN WILKES te stemmen, en een Engelsche Matroos in zyne grappige houding, rydende naar Portsmouth in hunne natuurlyke Kleeding.
Ook zal men heden verschillenden Konsten te Paard verrigten, welke hier nooit gezien zyn.
De ingang opde overdekte Plaats fl:,- en de tweede Schell., is op de Oostermarkt, en dc Staanplaats I Schell,, op de Reguliersgracht. De deuren zullen ten 2 uuren open en en men zal ten 3 uur precies beginnen. NB. Het slegte Weer zal de
voortgang niet hinderen
Amsterdamsche courant
het drilveld
woensdag 23 november 2011
een treurdag
In de Leidsche krant vinden we op 19 /03/1886 dit stukje
mevrouw Bulkley,liet gisteren de verjaardag van haar geliefd kleinkind Henri,
zoowel te Scheveningen als te Apeldoorn kleedingstukken uitdeelen aan behoeftige en versnaperingen aan zieke kinderen.
voor haar zelve een treurdag,verlangde zij toch dat er dien dag vreugde zou zijn voor vele arme kinderen.
zaterdag 19 november 2011
Stephen Bulkley Senior and senior and senior
Stephen Bulkey was christened:12 Sep 1669 SAINT MICHAEL-LE-BELFRY,YORK,YORK,ENGLAND as son of Stephen Bulkley.
This Stephen Bulkley was born 16 January 1645 SAINT HELEN'S, YORK, YORK, ENGLAND
as son of Stephen Bulckley.
This Stephen Bulkley was born 02 Jul 1615 St. Andrew's, Canterbury, Kent, England
as son of Joseph Bulkley and Anne Auncell married 15 Feb 1593 Saint Alphege,Canterbury,Kent,England
We know that one of these Stephens was the printer Stephen Bulkley .
There was, however, a measure of intellectual and artistic activity in the city. Theologians, teachers, and lawyers had long been established there, and by 1700 physicians and surgeons formed another professional group, (fn. 50) among them the physician Martin Lister (1638?-1712) who was also a prominent antiquary and naturalist. (fn. 51) Literary interests were stimulated by the revival of printing at York in 1642 by the royal printer, Robert Barker (d. 1645). He and his successor, Stephen Bulkley, printed royalist proclamations and broadsides, and in 1644 they were followed by Thomas Broad, whose press issued parliamentary orders and Puritan tracts. Printing was, therefore, well established by 1660 and was allowed to continue under the Licensing Act of 1662. Bulkley set up his press again in 1662, and produced many theological works. Another important printer was John White who, as a reward for printing the declaration of William of Orange in November 1688, was subsequently created royal printer for the northern counties. Printers often co-operated in publishing with York booksellers who seem to have increased in number during the century, congregating around the minster and in Stonegate for the most part. (fn. 52) Many of the works printed and sold in York were by local authors. Innumerable sermons were published by the clergy, and, among others, Edmund Bunny (1540-1619), John Cosin (1594-1672), Thomas Calvert (1606-79), and Thomas Comber (1645-99) produced more substantial theological works. Important writings by lay residents included the medical and scientific books of Edmund Deane, Robert Wittie, and Martin Lister. (fn. 53) During his recordership, Sir Thomas Widdrington compiled his Analecta Eboracensia but the corporation refused to be associated with its publication which was therefore delayed until 1897. The first printed history of York, A list or catalogue of all the Mayors, and Bayliffs &c., which came from Bulkley's press in 1664, was published anonymously by Christopher Hildyard, a lawyer and an 'ingenious antiquary'. (fn. 54) Another edition of the book was wrongly ascribed to J[ames] T[orre] (1649-99). Torre in fact did much better work. He came from Lincolnshire to York at an unknown date and once in the city devoted his life to ecclesiastical antiquities. He drew on a wide range of church records for his information, and his manuscript volumes, now preserved in the Minster Library, form not only an index to those records but often preserve matter that would have otherwise been lost. Drake and all writers who have followed him have depended much upon his collections. (fn. 55)
This Stephen Bulkley was born 16 January 1645 SAINT HELEN'S, YORK, YORK, ENGLAND
as son of Stephen Bulckley.
This Stephen Bulkley was born 02 Jul 1615 St. Andrew's, Canterbury, Kent, England
as son of Joseph Bulkley and Anne Auncell married 15 Feb 1593 Saint Alphege,Canterbury,Kent,England
We know that one of these Stephens was the printer Stephen Bulkley .
There was, however, a measure of intellectual and artistic activity in the city. Theologians, teachers, and lawyers had long been established there, and by 1700 physicians and surgeons formed another professional group, (fn. 50) among them the physician Martin Lister (1638?-1712) who was also a prominent antiquary and naturalist. (fn. 51) Literary interests were stimulated by the revival of printing at York in 1642 by the royal printer, Robert Barker (d. 1645). He and his successor, Stephen Bulkley, printed royalist proclamations and broadsides, and in 1644 they were followed by Thomas Broad, whose press issued parliamentary orders and Puritan tracts. Printing was, therefore, well established by 1660 and was allowed to continue under the Licensing Act of 1662. Bulkley set up his press again in 1662, and produced many theological works. Another important printer was John White who, as a reward for printing the declaration of William of Orange in November 1688, was subsequently created royal printer for the northern counties. Printers often co-operated in publishing with York booksellers who seem to have increased in number during the century, congregating around the minster and in Stonegate for the most part. (fn. 52) Many of the works printed and sold in York were by local authors. Innumerable sermons were published by the clergy, and, among others, Edmund Bunny (1540-1619), John Cosin (1594-1672), Thomas Calvert (1606-79), and Thomas Comber (1645-99) produced more substantial theological works. Important writings by lay residents included the medical and scientific books of Edmund Deane, Robert Wittie, and Martin Lister. (fn. 53) During his recordership, Sir Thomas Widdrington compiled his Analecta Eboracensia but the corporation refused to be associated with its publication which was therefore delayed until 1897. The first printed history of York, A list or catalogue of all the Mayors, and Bayliffs &c., which came from Bulkley's press in 1664, was published anonymously by Christopher Hildyard, a lawyer and an 'ingenious antiquary'. (fn. 54) Another edition of the book was wrongly ascribed to J[ames] T[orre] (1649-99). Torre in fact did much better work. He came from Lincolnshire to York at an unknown date and once in the city devoted his life to ecclesiastical antiquities. He drew on a wide range of church records for his information, and his manuscript volumes, now preserved in the Minster Library, form not only an index to those records but often preserve matter that would have otherwise been lost. Drake and all writers who have followed him have depended much upon his collections. (fn. 55)
woensdag 16 november 2011
Stephen Bulkley
Stephen Bulkeley is de vader van George en Stephen Bulkley.
De namen Bulkeley en Bulkley en Buckley komen afwisselend voor .
Hij trouwde Barbara Jackson 27/9/1725 Kirby Yorks Kirby Hill near Boroughbridge .
Hij was toen 25 en dus geboren in 1700 en Barbara was 21 dus geboren in 1704.
En ze kregen twee zonen George Jackson Bulkley en Stephen Bulkley junior.
BULKELEY, Stephen snr. wait, York from 1717 [YHB, Vol. 41, 9 September 1717:
registers, St. Michael le Belfrey, 28 December 1726].
BULKELEY, Stephen jnr. (b. 1732) wait, York from 1746 [YHB, Vol. 43, 9 May
1744]: resigned 1760 [YHB, Vol. 44, 24 November 1760].
net als Stephen Bulkley junior.
And after even more googling we found a Stephen Bulkley Maybe the father of Stephen snr who was into printing.
De namen Bulkeley en Bulkley en Buckley komen afwisselend voor .
Hij trouwde Barbara Jackson 27/9/1725 Kirby Yorks Kirby Hill near Boroughbridge .
Hij was toen 25 en dus geboren in 1700 en Barbara was 21 dus geboren in 1704.
En ze kregen twee zonen George Jackson Bulkley en Stephen Bulkley junior.
BULKELEY, Stephen snr. wait, York from 1717 [YHB, Vol. 41, 9 September 1717:
registers, St. Michael le Belfrey, 28 December 1726].
BULKELEY, Stephen jnr. (b. 1732) wait, York from 1746 [YHB, Vol. 43, 9 May
1744]: resigned 1760 [YHB, Vol. 44, 24 November 1760].
net als Stephen Bulkley junior.
And after even more googling we found a Stephen Bulkley Maybe the father of Stephen snr who was into printing.
Terug in de tijd
Vandaag gaan we terug in de mannelijke lijn van de Bulkley´s.
Robert Ward Bulkley is de zoon van William Fisher Bulkley.
Hij is de zoon van George Bulkley.
Van deze George wisten we nog niet zoveel .
We wisten dat hij viool speelde en samen met zijn broer Stephen optrad in the Haymarket Theater in Covent Garden in London .
Je hebt er eigenlijk geen beeld bij dat ze daar rond 1760 volle zalen trokken.
Hij overleed in 1784.Zijn vrouw Mary Wilford was een beroemd actrice.
Maar over de geboortedatum en ouders van George en Stephen was nog niets bekend.
Al speurend kwamen we echter op een goede dag de inschrijving tegen van George Jackson Bulkley en zijn broer Stephen Bulkley die zich in 1764 registreerden als musicians bij de vakbond in London.
De aanwijzing was dat George een tweede voornaam namelijk Jackson had en zo werden dan ook de ouders en geboortedata gevonden .
Stephen Bulkley trouwde met Barbara Jackson 27/9/1725 Kirby Yorks Kirby Hill near Boroughbridge en kregen dus twee kinderen
Stephen werd gedoopt 15/8/1733 en George Jackson 20/8/1742 allebei St Helens York .
Robert Ward Bulkley is de zoon van William Fisher Bulkley.
Hij is de zoon van George Bulkley.
Van deze George wisten we nog niet zoveel .
We wisten dat hij viool speelde en samen met zijn broer Stephen optrad in the Haymarket Theater in Covent Garden in London .
Je hebt er eigenlijk geen beeld bij dat ze daar rond 1760 volle zalen trokken.
Hij overleed in 1784.Zijn vrouw Mary Wilford was een beroemd actrice.
Maar over de geboortedatum en ouders van George en Stephen was nog niets bekend.
Al speurend kwamen we echter op een goede dag de inschrijving tegen van George Jackson Bulkley en zijn broer Stephen Bulkley die zich in 1764 registreerden als musicians bij de vakbond in London.
De aanwijzing was dat George een tweede voornaam namelijk Jackson had en zo werden dan ook de ouders en geboortedata gevonden .
Stephen Bulkley trouwde met Barbara Jackson 27/9/1725 Kirby Yorks Kirby Hill near Boroughbridge en kregen dus twee kinderen
Stephen werd gedoopt 15/8/1733 en George Jackson 20/8/1742 allebei St Helens York .
woensdag 9 november 2011
De Bulkley´s in de West Indies
Op zoek naar de Familie Bulkley in de West Indies komen we aardig wat te weten over de omstandigheden daar.
We weten dat Robert Ward Bulkley zijn zus Mary Ann Bulkley geboren is in 1808 in Antigua.
De vader van Robert Ward Bulkley overleed in Guadaloupe in 1810.
Deze William Fisher Bulkley was handelaar of marinier daar zijn we nog niet uit.
Terwijl Mary Ann Carter de moeder van Robert Ward hertrouwde met de Nederlander Johannes Ambrosius Maas.
De invasie van Guadaloupe vond plaats in 1810 en misschien is William hierbij wel om het leven gekomen .
We weten dus best wel veel van wat zich daar ruim 200 jaar geleden afspeelde.
Maar er is altijd weer iets onbekends zoals de invasie van Guadaloupe in 1810.
The Invasion
After a brief period of consolidation on Dominica, Cochrane and Beckwith sailed for Guadeloupe on 27 January 1810, arriving off Le Gosier in the evening and landing the larger division at the village of Sainte-Marie under the command of Hislop. The division split, with one half marching south towards Basse-Terre and the other north. Neither met serious opposition, the militia forces deserting in large numbers and abandoning their fortifications as the British approached. Messages were sent by the approaching British ordering the surrender of towns and forts, and both forces made rapid progress over the following two days.[13] On 30 January, Ernouf took up a position with his remaining garrison in the Beaupère–St. Louis Ridge highlands that guarded the approaches to Basse-Terre, Hislop forming his men in front of Ernouf's position. Later in the day, Harcourt's men came ashore to the north of Basse-Terre, outflanking the strongest French positions at Trois-Rivières and forcing their withdrawal to Basse-Terre itself.[9]
With his capital coming under bombardment from gun batteries set up by Royal Navy sailors organised into naval brigades, Ernouf marched to meet the British on the plain at Matabar on 3 February. Forming up, Ernouf attacked the British and initially drove them back, before superior numbers forced him to retire after he was outflanked by Wale's force attacking from the north. General Wale was wounded in the attack, in which his men suffered 40 casualties.[9] One eyewitness, an Irish sailor from HMS Alfred, claimed that Ernouf had laid a large land mine along his line of retreat and planned to detonate it as the British advanced but was prevented from doing so when Beckwith spotted the trap and refused to be drawn into it, although this story does not appear in other accounts.[14] While Ernouf was retreating, Commodore Fahie seized the opportunity to attack the undefended town of Basse-Terre, landing with a force of Royal Marines and capturing the town, cutting off Ernouf's route of escape. Isolated and surrounded, the French general requested a truce at 08:00 on 4 February to bury the dead from the battle the day before. This was accepted, and on 5 February he formally surrendered.[15]
British casualties in the operation numbered 52 killed and 250 wounded, with seven men missing. French losses were heavier, in the region of 500–600 casualties throughout the campaign.[12] 3,500 soldiers were captured with their officers, cannon and the French Imperial Eagle of the 66e Régiment. As Napoleon had rescinded the prisoner exchange system previously in place, all of the prisoners would remain in British hands until 1814. The captured eagle was sent to Britain, the first French eagle captured during the Napoleonic Wars.[16] By 22 February, the nearby Dutch colonies of Sint Maarten, Sint Eustatius and Saba were all persuaded to surrender without a fight by ships sent from Cochrane's fleet.[11] The British officers were rewarded for their successes: Beckwith was knighted and remained in the Caribbean until he retired in 1814 from ill-health, while Cochrane and Hislop were promoted.[16] All of the expedition's officers and men were voted the thanks of both Houses of Parliament and ten years later the regiments and ships that participated (or their descendents) were awarded the battle honour Guadaloupe 1810.[17] Four decades after the operation, it was among the actions recognised by a clasp attached to the Naval General Service Medal and the Military General Service Medal, awarded upon application to all British participants still living in 1847.[18]
Guadeloupe was taken over as a British colony for the remainder of the war, only restored to France after Napoleon's abdication in 1814. The following year, during the Hundred Days, Guadeloupe's governor Charles-Alexandre Durand Linois declared for the Emperor once more, requiring another British invasion, although of much smaller size and duration, to restore the monarchy.[19] The fall of Guadeloupe marked the end of the final French territory in the Caribbean; the entire region was now in the hands of either the British or the Spanish, except the independent state of Haiti.[2] The lack of French privateers and warships sparked a boom in trade operations, and the economies of the Caribbean islands experienced a resurgence. It also made a significant reduction in French international trade and had a corresponding effect on the French economy.[15] Finally, the capture of the last French colony struck a decisive blow to the Atlantic slave trade, which had been made illegal by the British government in 1807 and was actively persecuted by the Royal Navy. Without French colonies in the Caribbean, there was no ready market for slaves in the region and the slave trade consequently dried up.[20]
Ook vinden we nog een stukje over een William Bulkey in dezelfde tijd.
(1780-1856), born Cheshire, England, was sentenced to transportation for life for having received a stolen roll of cloth. He was taken in the convict ship Calcutta with David Collins's colonising expedition to Port Phillip in 1803 and there absconded with two fellow convicts who were never heard of again. Buckley was befriended by the Watourong tribe of Aborigines who believed him to be 'Murrangurk', a reincarnation of a dead chieftain of the tribe, and he lived with them until 1835. On his return to White civilisation he was pardoned and became a government interpreter. Accounts of his life as a 'white blackfellow' have been given by John Morgan in The Life and Adventures of William Buckley (1852), by James Bonwick in William Buckley, the Wild White Man, and His Port Phillip Black Friends (1856) and by W.T. Pyke in Buckley, the Wild White Man (1889). Craig Robertson published the biographical Buckley's Hope (1980), the title stemming from the phrase 'Buckley's Hope' (sometimes 'Buckley's Chance'), meaning little or no hope and reflecting the pessimistic view of Buckley's prospects of survival. The phrase is, however, linked by some to the Melbourne store of Buckley & Nunn. Barry Hill wrote the long verse sequence Ghosting William Buckley (1993).
We weten dat Robert Ward Bulkley zijn zus Mary Ann Bulkley geboren is in 1808 in Antigua.
De vader van Robert Ward Bulkley overleed in Guadaloupe in 1810.
Deze William Fisher Bulkley was handelaar of marinier daar zijn we nog niet uit.
Terwijl Mary Ann Carter de moeder van Robert Ward hertrouwde met de Nederlander Johannes Ambrosius Maas.
De invasie van Guadaloupe vond plaats in 1810 en misschien is William hierbij wel om het leven gekomen .
We weten dus best wel veel van wat zich daar ruim 200 jaar geleden afspeelde.
Maar er is altijd weer iets onbekends zoals de invasie van Guadaloupe in 1810.
The Invasion
After a brief period of consolidation on Dominica, Cochrane and Beckwith sailed for Guadeloupe on 27 January 1810, arriving off Le Gosier in the evening and landing the larger division at the village of Sainte-Marie under the command of Hislop. The division split, with one half marching south towards Basse-Terre and the other north. Neither met serious opposition, the militia forces deserting in large numbers and abandoning their fortifications as the British approached. Messages were sent by the approaching British ordering the surrender of towns and forts, and both forces made rapid progress over the following two days.[13] On 30 January, Ernouf took up a position with his remaining garrison in the Beaupère–St. Louis Ridge highlands that guarded the approaches to Basse-Terre, Hislop forming his men in front of Ernouf's position. Later in the day, Harcourt's men came ashore to the north of Basse-Terre, outflanking the strongest French positions at Trois-Rivières and forcing their withdrawal to Basse-Terre itself.[9]
With his capital coming under bombardment from gun batteries set up by Royal Navy sailors organised into naval brigades, Ernouf marched to meet the British on the plain at Matabar on 3 February. Forming up, Ernouf attacked the British and initially drove them back, before superior numbers forced him to retire after he was outflanked by Wale's force attacking from the north. General Wale was wounded in the attack, in which his men suffered 40 casualties.[9] One eyewitness, an Irish sailor from HMS Alfred, claimed that Ernouf had laid a large land mine along his line of retreat and planned to detonate it as the British advanced but was prevented from doing so when Beckwith spotted the trap and refused to be drawn into it, although this story does not appear in other accounts.[14] While Ernouf was retreating, Commodore Fahie seized the opportunity to attack the undefended town of Basse-Terre, landing with a force of Royal Marines and capturing the town, cutting off Ernouf's route of escape. Isolated and surrounded, the French general requested a truce at 08:00 on 4 February to bury the dead from the battle the day before. This was accepted, and on 5 February he formally surrendered.[15]
British casualties in the operation numbered 52 killed and 250 wounded, with seven men missing. French losses were heavier, in the region of 500–600 casualties throughout the campaign.[12] 3,500 soldiers were captured with their officers, cannon and the French Imperial Eagle of the 66e Régiment. As Napoleon had rescinded the prisoner exchange system previously in place, all of the prisoners would remain in British hands until 1814. The captured eagle was sent to Britain, the first French eagle captured during the Napoleonic Wars.[16] By 22 February, the nearby Dutch colonies of Sint Maarten, Sint Eustatius and Saba were all persuaded to surrender without a fight by ships sent from Cochrane's fleet.[11] The British officers were rewarded for their successes: Beckwith was knighted and remained in the Caribbean until he retired in 1814 from ill-health, while Cochrane and Hislop were promoted.[16] All of the expedition's officers and men were voted the thanks of both Houses of Parliament and ten years later the regiments and ships that participated (or their descendents) were awarded the battle honour Guadaloupe 1810.[17] Four decades after the operation, it was among the actions recognised by a clasp attached to the Naval General Service Medal and the Military General Service Medal, awarded upon application to all British participants still living in 1847.[18]
Guadeloupe was taken over as a British colony for the remainder of the war, only restored to France after Napoleon's abdication in 1814. The following year, during the Hundred Days, Guadeloupe's governor Charles-Alexandre Durand Linois declared for the Emperor once more, requiring another British invasion, although of much smaller size and duration, to restore the monarchy.[19] The fall of Guadeloupe marked the end of the final French territory in the Caribbean; the entire region was now in the hands of either the British or the Spanish, except the independent state of Haiti.[2] The lack of French privateers and warships sparked a boom in trade operations, and the economies of the Caribbean islands experienced a resurgence. It also made a significant reduction in French international trade and had a corresponding effect on the French economy.[15] Finally, the capture of the last French colony struck a decisive blow to the Atlantic slave trade, which had been made illegal by the British government in 1807 and was actively persecuted by the Royal Navy. Without French colonies in the Caribbean, there was no ready market for slaves in the region and the slave trade consequently dried up.[20]
Ook vinden we nog een stukje over een William Bulkey in dezelfde tijd.
(1780-1856), born Cheshire, England, was sentenced to transportation for life for having received a stolen roll of cloth. He was taken in the convict ship Calcutta with David Collins's colonising expedition to Port Phillip in 1803 and there absconded with two fellow convicts who were never heard of again. Buckley was befriended by the Watourong tribe of Aborigines who believed him to be 'Murrangurk', a reincarnation of a dead chieftain of the tribe, and he lived with them until 1835. On his return to White civilisation he was pardoned and became a government interpreter. Accounts of his life as a 'white blackfellow' have been given by John Morgan in The Life and Adventures of William Buckley (1852), by James Bonwick in William Buckley, the Wild White Man, and His Port Phillip Black Friends (1856) and by W.T. Pyke in Buckley, the Wild White Man (1889). Craig Robertson published the biographical Buckley's Hope (1980), the title stemming from the phrase 'Buckley's Hope' (sometimes 'Buckley's Chance'), meaning little or no hope and reflecting the pessimistic view of Buckley's prospects of survival. The phrase is, however, linked by some to the Melbourne store of Buckley & Nunn. Barry Hill wrote the long verse sequence Ghosting William Buckley (1993).
zaterdag 5 november 2011
De man van Marie Catherine Bekking was Robert Ward Bulkley geboren november 1805 volgens eigen zeggen te London en gedoopt op maart 1808 te Chelsea (Middlesex).
Zo staat in de huwelijkakte te lezen .
Zij trouwden in Den Haag op 23 april 1851.
Hij was toen 45 en zij 19.
Hij is dan hoofdonderwijzer in de Engelsche taal aan het Stedelijk gymnasium.
Waar ze elkaar ontmoet hebben is niet duidelijk.
In 1862 lezen we in de krant dat hij onderwijzer is in de Engelse taal aan het gymnasium.Misschien zijn ze via het onderwijs aan elkaar gekomen .
Wanneer Robert Ward precies naar nederland is gekomen is ook niet geheel duidelijk.
Zijn zus trouwt in 1831 met Anthonie Bouwens in Groningen.
In 1872 overlijdt Robert Ward Bulkley en blijft Marie Bulkley-Bekking als jonge weduwe achter .
Dus mocht u meer info hebben .Schrijver dezes ziet de informatie graag binnen stromen.
Zo staat in de huwelijkakte te lezen .
Zij trouwden in Den Haag op 23 april 1851.
Hij was toen 45 en zij 19.
Hij is dan hoofdonderwijzer in de Engelsche taal aan het Stedelijk gymnasium.
Waar ze elkaar ontmoet hebben is niet duidelijk.
In 1862 lezen we in de krant dat hij onderwijzer is in de Engelse taal aan het gymnasium.Misschien zijn ze via het onderwijs aan elkaar gekomen .
Wanneer Robert Ward precies naar nederland is gekomen is ook niet geheel duidelijk.
Zijn zus trouwt in 1831 met Anthonie Bouwens in Groningen.
In 1872 overlijdt Robert Ward Bulkley en blijft Marie Bulkley-Bekking als jonge weduwe achter .
Dus mocht u meer info hebben .Schrijver dezes ziet de informatie graag binnen stromen.
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